for Climate Workshop

27-28 June 2024 | ESA-ECSAT

SESSION: Assimilation & Re-analysis in NWP & AC/AQ Models

The introductory talks (and discussions) will cover:

       1. Incoming and TOA UV-VIS-SWIR data assimilation ecosystem 

      • NWP data assimilation overview, latest advances, plans and challenges by 2030 and beyond
      • AC/AQ model data assimilation overview, latest advances, plans and challenges by 2030 and beyond

       2. Key issues which could be addressed by improved radiometric uncertainty in UV-VIS-SWIR 

The objectives of facilitated discussions are:

       1. Identify the role of TRUTHS as direct input or indirect as an anchor to monitor/calibrate other                   missions’ products  

       2. Specify the required TRUTHS products (L1, 2 & 3), including data access, content and                             timeliness including considerations of the spatial, spectral and temporal resolution/averaging                   and required metadata, etc., for: 

                   a. Incoming SSI/TSI at TOA

                   b. TOA spectral radiance & reflectance (and surface reflectance if applicable)