Monday 15 July

Session 1
Chairs: M. Ginesta-Fernandez, Y. Givon
14:3014:40Welcome Address
14:4015:05MEDCYCLONES overview (solicited)
E. Flaounas
15:0515:25Decomposing the role of dry intrusions for ocean evaporation during mistral
Y. Givon
15:2515:45The Impacts of Wintertime North Atlantic Storm Track Regimes on Cyclonic Activity Downstream: An Extreme Test Case over the Eastern Mediterranean
D. Sandler
15:4516:05Atmospheric blockings and downstream cyclones in the Euro-Mediterranean sector
P. Loizou
16:0516:25Disruption risk analysis in the Mediterranean: gaps and challenges highlighted by Storm Daniel
M.L.R. Liberato
16:2516:55Coffee Break
Session 2
A. Volonte, M. Reale
16:5517:15Sting jets in Mediterranean cyclones? Working towards their identification using high-resolution simulations
A. Volonte
17:1517:35Sensitivity study to physical parametrisationsand resolution of the Mediterranean derecho of 18 August 2022  
17:3517:55Climate change fingerprint on the 2023 Emilia Romagna floods
M. Ginesta
17:5518:15Hindcast Simulation of Medicanes with the Regional Earth System Model
F. Batibeniz
18:1518:35The Impact of Tropical Sea Surface Temperatures on Sub-seasonal Precipitation Variability and Predictability in the Eastern Mediterranean; Insights from El Niño and Indian Ocean Dipole Interactions
A. Hochman
       18:40WRAP-UP DAY 1

Tuesday 16 July

Session 3
 L. P. D' Adderio, P. Loizou
9:309:50WIVERN: An ESA Earth Explorer Candidate that Fill the Gap of Wind Observations Inside Cyclones (solicited)
M. Pourshamsi
9:5010:10Identification and characterization of Medicanes using Passive Microwave radiometry
V. Di Francesca
10:1010:30Satellite-based analysis and Characterization of Medicanes’  surface wind field
S. Sebastianelli
10:3011:00Coffee Break
11:0011:20Contribution of Copernicus High Resolution Missions to the monitoring of Medicane
A. Mouche
11:2011:40The surface wind structure of Mediterranean cyclones in Earth observation data
A. Avenas
11:4011:45Poster Session P1 Introduction
11:4513:30Poster Session P1
13:3014:30Lunch Break
Session 4
I. Karagiorgos, S. Brumer
14:3014:50Estimation of Medicane Intensity and Structure from Multispectral Satellite Imagery (solicited)
D. Herndon
14:5015:10A Satellite Analysis: Comparing Two Medicanes
G. Ciardullo
15:1015:30How does ocean-wave-atmosphere interaction affect Medicane intensity? A coupled model study based on Ianos (2020)
J. Karagiorgos
15:3015:50Influence of wave driven air-sea interactions on a strong Mediterranean cyclone
S. Brumer
15:5016:10Geometrical properties and cloud types observed during Mediterranean cyclones using decadal dataset
I. Koutsoupi
16:1016:15Poster Session P2 introduction and Wrap-up Day 2
16:1516:45Coffee Break
16:4518:30Poster Session P2

Wednesday 17 July