training school

15 19 July 2024

The Training School is primarily addressed to PhD students, PostDoc, and early career investigators, as well as professionals and scientists from regional and national meteorological agencies. It will cover several aspects of Mediterranean cyclones: dynamics, processes, forecasting, predictability, and impacts at both weather and climate time scales.

Covering the whole five-day period, the Training School activities will develop through frontal lectures and practical activities where the students will perform specific analyses in small groups. Each group will be coached by a tutor and final results will be presented in the form of short talks on the last day of the Training School to trigger discussions and provide the opportunity to enhance the collaborative spirit and develop new skills. As an integral part of the Training School, all the students are expected to attend the plenary sessions of the workshop on 15-17 July (if applying to the training school, you are kindly required to also register to the workshop).