Poster Number
1Atmospheric circulation changes and turbulence modifications over Europe: implications for commercial flight operations in a changing climate
T. Alberti
2A climatological perspective on cyclones and precipitation in the Eastern Mediterranean using potential vorticity-based classification
T. S. Gens
3Sensitivity analysis of WRF microphysics and PBL schemes for precipitation extremes based on scenario simulations over the Black Sea
M. B. Kelebek
4A Local Wave Activity Interpretation of the Large Scale Drivers Behind the Projected Drying of the Mediterranean
D. Sandler
5Evaporative features of differently-driven Mediterranean cyclones
J. Givon
6Climatology of moisture sources associated with extratropical cyclones reaching the western Mediterranean: a Lagrangian approach
J. C. Fernandez Alvarez
7Moisture sources associated with extratropical cyclones that reach the Western Mediterranean: study case.
G. Alvarez Socorro
8Projection of Mediterranean cyclone frequency using HadGEM3 simulations  
R. Pongracz
9Aeolus satellite wind data for regional-scale assimilation: Case study on a Mediterranean cyclone
C. Stathopoulos
10Generation of a mesoscale cyclone over deep mountain Lake Hovsg
A. Kouraev
11Deep convection around Mediterranean cyclones
A. Portal
12Preliminary results of WG2 MedCyclones track in Regional Climate Models initiative
T. Plotnik
13Stratospheric Influence on Tropical Cyclone Intensification
A. Davin
14Spectral Decomposition of the Mistral Wind
D. Keller
15Exploring how a warmer Mediterranean Sea affects the origin and development of destructive Tropical-Like Cyclones IANOS and DANIEL
A. Ricchi
16Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of Vulnerability of Mediterranean Cyclones on the Egyptian Mediterranean Coast
K. Tonbol
17Vulnerability Assessment of Transit Transfer Stations Exposed to Multiple Hazards - Wind and Hydraulic Actions
E. Ebo
18Reducing impacts of coastal Floods Associated with Cyclogenesis in the Mediterranean Sea
N. M. Salama
19The role of convection-permitting RegCM5 simulations in representing synoptic-scale cyclones over Southeastern South America
M. L. Da Silva
20The climatological influence of extratropical cyclones on temperature and wind extremes 
N. Klaider
21Validations study of Mediterranean cyclones in GCM simulations
E. Dolgos
22Reconstructing Eastern Mediterranean Cyclone and Precipitation Characteristics during the Last Interglacial: Insights from PMIP4 Simulations
E. Bril
23Improving prediction of heavy rainfall in the Mediterranean region using Neural Networks
K. Pujol--Nicolas
24Lightning observations and data assimilation over Italy: impact on lightning forecast
S. Federico
25On the dynamics of a case of Mediterranean Explosive Cyclogenesis Using the Pressure Tendency Equation
H. Flocas
26The High-Impact Flash Flooding Event of Antalya-Turkey on 13 February 2024: Sensitivity studies with focus on WRF physics options and sea surface temperatures 
M. Demirtaş
27The effect of upper level processes on simple models for tropicalcyclones in high resolution simulations
G. A. Charinti
28Influence of ocean-atmosphere interaction on cyclone properties in the eastern Mediterranean: implications for sub-seasonal forecasting
O. Cohen
29On the possible relationship between Mediterranean tropical-like cyclones and SST
E. Avolio