Please click here to download the preliminary programme (pdf. version). This is a preliminary programme which will be updated regularly.
18 April 2018 | |
Session 1 - Opening of the conference | |
9:00 |
E. Karanikolov, Bulgarian Minister of Economy, Welcome - Bulgarian Presidency priorities |
9:15 |
S. Jutz, ESA Director of Industry, Procurement and Legal Services, ESA Programmes to support digital economy |
9:30 |
D. Dinkova, DG GROW, European Commission, Addressing societal challenges through the Copernicus programme |
9:45 |
M. Gvilava, Black Sea Commission, Black Sea Regional Issues |
10:00 |
C. Rumbold, Deputy Head of Division, European External Action Service, The EU Strategy in Western Balkans and Space contribution |
10:15 |
S. Michael, Programme Leader, World Bank, Sustainable Development in the Black Sea Basin |
Session 2 - Supporting accelerated economic development | |
11:00 |
A. Alexieva, Advisor of the Minister of Science and Education, Big Data and EO services in Bulgaria, Information Communication Centre of Excellence - Technical University & Sofia University |
11:15 |
H. Kontoes, National Observatory of Athens, The Balkan Sentinel data hub |
11:30 |
G. Sawyer, EARSC, Challenges and opportunities for EO service industry in South-East Europe |
11:45 |
I. Nedelcu, ROSA, Balkan regional issues for Earth Observation |
12:00 |
G. Ollier, European Commission DG RTD, Research and Innovation opportunities in South-Eastern Europe and EuroGeoss |
12:15 |
L. Ronczyk, University of Pécs, S1/S2 processing capability as-a-service for researchers and EO actors |
12:30 |
Round table – discussion |
Session 3 - Addressing sustainability | |
14:00 |
B. Shamsiev, World Bank, Senior Agriculture Economist, Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region, Climate Resilience and Adaptation Priorities |
14:15 |
M. Zhiyanski, Director of the Bulgarian National Forest Institute, Information needs for managing natural resources |
14:30 |
J. Kolomaznik, GISAT, P. Zelazowski, Geopulse, Crop Area and type mapping and water productivity in the Caucasus Region |
14:45 |
K. Oštir, University of Ljubljana, Earth observation for land resources monitoring and management in Slovenia |
15:00 |
P. Dimitrov, Space Research and Technology Institute, Testing Sentinel-2 vegetation indices for assessment of winter crops state in Bulgaria |
15:15 |
Round table – Discussion |
Session 4 - Marine environment and Blue Growth | |
16:00 |
A. Palazov, Mercator/Bulgarian National Institute of Oceanology, Black Sea Maritime Spatial Planning and Blue Growth |
16:15 |
M. Tsvetkov, Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy, Expanded Traffic surveillance and Deep Sea Oil pollution |
16:30 |
K. Dimitrova RSICS, EO monitoring for better water management and flood prevention (EMOWAF), PECS Bulgaria |
16:45 |
F. Daffinà, e-geos, Marine surveillance and Oil pollution |
17:00 |
L. Pehlivanov, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Water ecosystem services mapping and assessment in Bulgaria |
17:15 |
Round table – discussion |
17:30 |
End of the first day |
19 April 2018 | |
Session 5 - Hydrology and extreme events | |
9:00 |
P. Bonev, R. Radev, Bulgarian Ministry of Interior, Fire Safety and Civil Protection General Directorate, Disaster Risk Reduction and use of satellite monitoring systems |
9:15 |
V. Craciunescu, TerraSigna, Black Sea / Danube Regional Pathfinder for Earth Observation Data Exploitation |
9:30 |
G. Zalidis, InterBalkan Environment Center, Synergetic use of in-situ and space-borne EO capacities to address Regional challenges |
9:45 |
K. Popov, Risk Space Transfer Office - SRTI, BAS, Risk EO Services for crisis management and disaster response - regional TEP |
10:00 |
Round table – discussion |
Session 6 - Security, law enforcement and traffic management | |
10:30 |
Sen. Comm. B. Kostadinov, Bulgarian Ministry of Interior / Border Police General Directorate and Directorate Migration, Measures to overcome the migratory pressure on the border of the Republic of Bulgaria |
10:45 |
M. Todorov, Director of Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure, Monitoring and information system for Black Sea (MIS BS) |
11:00 |
V. Shalamanov, Bulgarian National Military Academy, Service based organisation for security and law enforcement space enabled support |
11:15 |
I. Balezevic, Regional Arms, Control Verification and Implementation Assistance Centre |
11:30 |
S. Bollanos, Planetek Hellas, Support to border surveillance and law enforcement |
11:45 |
P.A. Bosc, Airbus, High Altitude Pseudo-Satellite (HAPS) for maritime surveillance and border control |
12:00 |
Round table – discussion |
Session 7 – Conclusions of the conference | |
12:30 |
B. Benev, Summary of discussions |
12:45 |
G. Campbell, Head of Industry Office, Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes, ESA, Way forward |
13:00 |
L. Ivanova, Head of Political Cabinet, Bulgarian Ministry of Economy, Conclusion to the conference |
13:15 - End of conference - |