Scientific Commitee
- Abdalla Saleh (ECMWF)
- Alexander Braun (Queen's University)
- Amandine Guillot (CNES)
- Bamber J. (University of Bristol)
- Berry Philippa Anne
- Bonnefond Pascal (Observatoire Côte d'Azur)
- Burgess David (NRCAN)
- Cipollini Paolo (NOC)
- Fleming Andrew (BAS)
- Forsberg Rene (DTU)
- Gray Laurence (University of Ottawa)
- Haas Christian (York University)
- Helm Veit (AWI)
- Hogg Anna (University of Leeds)
- Kwok Ron (NASA)
- Langley Kirsty (University of Oslo)
- Le Traon Pierre Yves (IFREMER)
- Leuliette Eric (NOAA)
- Nielsen Karina (DTU)
- Rinne Eero (FMI)
- Roca Mònica (isardSAT)
- Sandberg Sørensen Louise (DTU)
- Sandwell David Scripps (Scripps Institution of Oceanography)
- Shepherd Andrew (University of Leeds)
- Smith Walter (NOAA)
- Tedesco Marco (Columbia University)
- Tilling Rachel (UCL)
- Wouters Bert (Utrecht University)