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Invited sessions

Invited Session proposals are solicited for the 2016 Conference on Big Data from Space (BiDS'16). Any topic relevant to big data from space is welcomed. Special attention will be given to topics regarding the effective and efficient acquisition, organisation, and processing/analysis of big data from space while addressing data volume, velocity, variety, and value.

Proposals for invited sessions must reach
bids16-invited-sessions@esa.int by the 4th of September 2015.
No deadline extension will be given.

The format of Invited Sessions shall consist of a keynote lecture of 40 minutes followed by 3 talks of 20 minute (all timings are including time for discussion). Each proposal shall be submitted in PDF format and shall include:

- Chair and Co-Chair names, institutional affiliations
- Session title
- Brief description of session and of list keywords
- List of potential invitees and topic addressed

The chair and co-chair should confirm that their potential invitees are willing to make a commitment to attend and deliver a presentation at the conference, should the proposed Invited Session be accepted into the technical programme. It is also expected that both the chair and the co-chair of each selected Invited Session will actually chair their session at the conference.

All proposals will be reviewed by the organising committee. The decision on acceptance will be communicated by the 15th of September.

Upon acceptance of a given Invited Session, the proposed invitees will be asked to submit their abstract using the regular submission procedure (submission by the 30th of October of a 2 page abstract, see conference web site for details). The Chair and Co-Chair of each Invited Session will be assigned the responsibility of controlling the quality of the abstracts corresponding to their session and providing any relevant feedback to their invitees. The Invited Session contributors shall take these comments into account when preparing their 4 page camera ready paper. All contributions will be included in the conference proceedings.

For those Invited Sessions that cannot be accommodated, the proposed potential invitees will be encouraged to submit their contributions through the regular submission system (deadline 30th of October). They would then undergo the normal reviewing procedure by at least two members of the programme committee with notification of acceptance on the 20th of December (see details on the conference web site).