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Big Data from Space refers to the massive spatio-temporal Earth and Space observation data collected by space-borne and ground based sensors. This emerging domain is currently facing sharp increase - fortunately paralleled by tremendous amount of new developments and breakthroughs software developments - such as multi-temporal data analysis, data management and information extraction technologies. In addition, the recent multiplication of open access initiatives to Big Data from Space is giving momentum to the field by widening substantially the spectrum of users as well as awareness among the public while offering new opportunities for scientists and value-added companies.


The objective of this conference is to bring together researchers, engineers and users working in the area of Big Data from Space.


The main objectives of Big Data from Space Conference are:
  1. Identify priorities for research, technology development and innovation;
  2. Widen competences and expertise of universities, research institutes, labs, SMEs and industrial actors;
  3. Foster networking of experts and users towards better access and sharing of data, tools and resources;
  4. Leverage innovation, spin-in and spin-off of technologies, and business development arising from research and industry progress;
  5. Increase and promote the value stemming from the huge quantity of data made available nowadays (and in the future);
  6. Contribute to the EO innovation for Europe, as one of the main pillars for the Ground Segment evolution strategy.