Scientific Committee
- Ad de Roo (JRC, EC)
- Albert Van Dijk, (CSIRO, Australia)
- Alberto Montanari (University of Bologna, Italy)
- Benjamin Koetz (ESA)
- Bojan Bojkov (ESA)
- Bob Su (Unversity of Twente, The Nertherlands)
- Carol Ann Clayson (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA)
- Chris Kummerow (Colorado State University, USA)
- Christopher Kidd, (CMNS-Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center, USA)
- Diego Miralles (University of Ghent, Belgium)
- Eleanor Blyth (CEH, UK)
- Eni Njoku (NASA JPL, USA)
- Eric Wood (Priceton University, USA)
- Filipe Aires (ESTELLUS, France)
- Jared Entin (NASA, USA)
- Jean-Francois Crétaux (LEGOS, CNES, France)
- Jerome Benveniste (ESA)
- Jorg Schultz (EUMETSAT)
- Kevin Trenberth (UCAR/NCAR, USA)
- Massimo Menenti (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
- Marc Schröder (DWD, Germany)
- Matthew McCabe (KAUST, Saudy Arabia)
- Matthias Drusch (ESA)
- Patricia de Rosnay (ECMWF)
- Peter Bauer (ECMWF)
- Peters-Lidard, Christa D. (NASA, USA)
- Philippe Drobinski (CNRS, France)
- Richard de Jeu (Vrije University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- Selma Cherchali (CNES, France)
- Simon Yueh, (NASA JPL, USA)
- Toshio Koike (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
- Vincenzo Levizzani (ISAC, CNR, Italy)
- Wade Crow (USDA-ARS, USA)
- William P. Kustas, (USDA-ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing, USA)
- Wolfgang Wagner (TUW, Austria)
- Yann Kerr (CESBIO, France)
- Daniel Rosenfeld (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)