The specific objectives of this topical conference are:
- To review the latest contributions of EO to water cycle science from global to basin scales. To assess the advances in the full range of water cycle satellite observations, their uncertainties and consistency: e.g., precipitation, clouds, water vapour, soil moisture, water levels, surface water and groundwater measurements as well as land and ocean heat fluxes and the Earth radiation budget
- To identify the main needs in terms of novel and enhanced satellite-based geophysical datasets, algorithms and methods to ensure an accurate and consistent characterisation of the water cycle.
- To identify the current gaps in observations and review emerging mission concepts and novel observational principles that may lead to future satellite observation systems
- To assess the main needs in modelling and data assimilation of EO-based observations to improve our knowledge of water cycle science and our ability to quantify future changes in water cycle, extreme events and hydrological hazards
- To consolidate a scientific roadmap outlining the main priorities for the future
Contributions are sought for presentations on the state-of-the-art research and operational developments in water cycle research, in particular related to climate change. Invited keynotes will give overviews of problems, progress and prospects in key areas. Poster presentations (with a short introduction) will be the main form of presentation, plenty of time will be reserved for discussions.