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Abstract Submission

Authors are invited to submit two-pages abstracts following the standard format templates provided below. Abstract submission must be done in pdf format.

Please click HERE to submit your abstract.

Deadline for abstract submission is July the 31st.

Each submitted paper will be peer-reviewed by the Program Committee. Acceptance of full papers will be based on appropriateness of the topic, quality, novelty, and clarity of exposition. Notification of Acceptance as oral presentation or poster will be provided to authors by September the 15th.

After acceptance of contribution, authors will be invited to prepare a final 4-page proceedings paper addressing the comments of the reviewers, and to register on the conference web site (see the section Registration).

Contributions accepted for the poster session shall be presented in A0 format.

Templates for abstract submission
Word Template: To download please click HERE
LaTex Template: To download please click HERE

Final accepted papers will be published in Conference Proceedings.

Selected contributions will be also published in a Special Issue of an international journal.

Questions, comments and information via the @BigDatafromSpace Twitter account.