Please refer to the calendar of events for the key deadlines. 


Authors are invited to submit their abstracts (500 word limit), via the online submission tool, mentioning proposed theme and sub-theme for the paper as well as title of the paper, author(s) name(s) (main author and co-authors), affiliation, contact information (complete mailing address including country and email addresses), contact person. 

Please note that in case of technical issues with the on-line abstract submission tool, you are invited to notify the ESA Conference Bureau at 


Each submitted abstract will be peer-reviewed by the Technical Committee. Acceptance of abstracts will be based on appropriateness of the theme, quality, novelty and clarity of exposition. Notification of acceptance as oral presentation will be provided to the authors on the date mentioned in the calendar of events. 

Authors will be invited to prepare a final proceedings paper and a presentation.


Accepted authors have to submit their full paper as electronic ‘PDF’ file along with their CV, by email to Paper and CV templates are available under 'Downloads' below. With the submission of a Final Paper, authors are effectively granting copyright to the workshop organisers for inclusion in the workshop proceedings. Deadline for paper and CV submission is listed in the Calendar of Events.


At least one author should register on the workshop website (see the registration section) for each paper submission before the deadline mentioned in the calendar of events. Please note that the organisers will check that for every paper at least one author has registered for the workshop before the paper is included in the programme and proceedings.


Final accepted papers will be published in the Workshop Proceedings. These Proceedings will be distributed electronically to all the workshop participants.


  • The working language of the workshop will be English.
  • Presenters shall allocate the indicated time (please check the programme menu) and the duration (20 minutes, including 5 minutes for questions and answers) per presentation and are asked to follow their allocated presentation time including time for questions and discussions.
  • Please prepare your presentation slides using MS Power Point and submit it along with its PDF copy by email to by the deadline listed in the Calendar of events.
  • Presenters are kindly requested to arrive in the conference room at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the session.
  • Hand-outs / Copy of your presentation will NOT be provided to the participants.
  • A PC will be available for the presentations. For performing the presentation, MS-Powerpoint or Adobe PDF Reader under Windows OS will be used.


ESA Conference Bureau

  ESA–ECSAT Fermi Ave, Harwell, Didcot OX11 0FD, UK