In the frame of the Copernicus Programme, ESA is implementing the Sentinel-5 Precursor (S5p) mission on behalf of the European Commission in support of services related to air quality, climate and stratospheric ozone. Sentinel-5 Precursor has been successfully launched on Friday, 13th October 2017 and is completing its commissioning phase on 24th April 2018, followed by the S5p operational phase.
The workshop aims at presenting first Calibration/Validation (Cal/Val) results, for Level 1b products and a subset of the Level 2 products (Total Columns of Ozone, Nitrogen Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide; Cloud & Aerosol information).
These results will be used to assess the uncertainty of the target S5p products and to decide about their data release to the public.
Following the positive data product quality assessment and recommendations by the S5p Quality Working Group that will meet on 27th June 2018, these products are intended to be released to the User Community shortly after the workshop.
Title: Nitrogen Dioxide from Sentinel-5P
Copyright: contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2018), processed by KNMI
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