Science Team
- Ludovic Bourg (ACRI France)
- Astrid Bracher (AWI, Germany)
- Fernando Camacho EOLAB Spain
- Roberto Colombo (UNIMIB)
- Alexander Damm (University of Zurich)
- Christian Frankenberg (Caltec, CA) (TBC)
- Robert Frouin (SCRIPPS Institution of Oceanography, US)
- Darren Ghent, University of Leicester, UK
- Claudia Giardino (CNR, Italy)
- Sven Gilliams (VITO Belgium)
- Nadine Gobron (JRC, Ispra, Italy)
- Yves Goulas (LMD)
- Luis Guanter (GFZ-Potsdam, Germany)
- Betsy Middleton (NASA)
- Franco Miglietta (CNR)
- Gina Mohammed (P&M Technologies)
- José Moreno (University of Valencia)
- Matti Möttus (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland)
- Ladislav Nedbal (FZ-Juelich, Germany)
- Daniel Odermatt (Eawag, Switzerland)
- Uwe Rascher (FZJ)
- Christian van der Tol (University of Twente)