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Agenda and Session Details

To download the Agenda pdf please click here

29 March

09:15 - 

Welcome, FMI

Introduction to the workshop, ESA

Welcome talk by EC DG-Grow

Welcome talk by Baltic Earth

Welcome talk by BONUS

10:40 - 


 Coffee Break

11:10 - 


Salinity & Physical Oceanography

in the Baltic Sea

Environment data for the Baltic region I 

12:50 - 

 Lunch Break

14:00 - 

Biochemical feedbacks in the Baltic Region 


Environment data for the Baltic region II


15:40 - 

 Coffee Break

16:10 - 

Understanding Sea Level Dynamics 

Collaborative Platforms

17:50 - 

 Poster Session and Cocktail

30 March

09:00 - 

Climate, Natural Hazards, Extreme Events... 

Environmental Monitoring

10:40 - 

Coffee Break

11:10 - 

Other Scientific Priorities for the Baltic 

Security, Transport and Economic Development 

12:50 - 

Lunch Break 

14:00 - 

Commercial and Operational 

Geo-Information Services 

 Big Data Infrastructures

15:40 - 

 Coffee Break

16:10 - 

Perspectives from Regional and International Initiatives

Towards a Baltic initiative – data and infrastructures 

17:50 - 

Poster Session and Cocktail 


 31 March

09:00 - 


  • Weak-up keynote: A view on future Baltic science, Markku Kulmala, University of Helsinki (FI)Sessions and panel discussions
  • Summary Session and panel discussions

10:00 - 

 Coffee Break

10:30 - 


  • Continuation of Summary Session: Reporting and discussion:
    - Science
    - Novel Applications
    - Infrastructures
  • Open discussion: Evolution to 2021 and beyond


Session Details



Main Content

Salinity & Physical Oceanography in the Baltic Sea

Basic physics of the Baltic Sea , Kai Myrberg, Finish Environment Institute (SYKE) (FI)

Baltic ocean dynamics, Jüri Elken, Tallinn University of Technology, (EE)

Salinity Dynamics in the Baltic sea, Andreas Lehman, GEOMAR (DE)

EO potential (SMOS/SMAP) to map SSS dynamics in the Baltic sea, Antonio Turiel, CSIC (ES)

Open Discussion

Biochemical feedbacks in the Baltic Region

Biochemical feedbacks: Overview of the problem and scientific questions, Gregor Rehder, Baltic research Institute (D)

Using bio-optics and remote-sensing to evaluate coastal influence on Baltic Sea water quality, Susanne Kratzer, Stockholms University (SE)

Land-sea biochemical transfer from EO, Tiit Kutser, University of Tartu (ES)

Bridging the divide between satellite and shipborne sensing for water quality assessment, Jenni Attila, SYKE (FI)

Open Discussion

Understanding sea level dynamics in the Baltic Sea

Sea level in the Baltic Sea: Changes and variability across time scales, Ralf Weisse, HZG (D)

Altimetry perspectives for the Baltic Sea Level, Kristine Madsen, DMI (DK)

Potential of SAR and SARIn in coastal altimetry in the Baltic Sea, Ole Andersen, DTU (DK)

Geodetic SAR for Sea Level and Height System Unification in the Baltic, Thomas Gruber, TUM (D)

Open Discussion

Natural hazards, extreme events and climate change impact on the water cycle in the Baltic

Introduction to the problem and science questions, Jari Haapala, FMI (FN)

Detecting sea ice extremes by satellites, Eero Rinne. FMI (FN)

Extreme winds, Merete Badger, DTU (DK)

Climate Change and the water cycle in the Baltic, Anders Omstedt, University of Gothenburg (SE)

Open Discussion

Other scientific priorities in the Baltic region

Sea-air interactions: CO2 fluxes, Anna Rutgersson,Uppsala University (SE)

Forest and Carbon cycle in the Baltic, Toumas Häme, VTT (FN)

SatBaltyk Sytem, Miroslaw Darecki, Institute of Oceanology PAS (PL)

Open Discussion



Main Content

Environmental monitoring

  • Custom services for Baltic Environment Monitoriing, Ina Lorkowski, BSH, DE
  • EO for HELCOM Vivi Fleming-Lehtinen, SYKE, FIN
  • Pollution and eutrophication, Heikki Pitkänen, SYKE FIN
  • Airborne/spaceborne data for monitoring sensitive habitats, Dainis Jakovels, IES, LV
  • Open Discussion

Security, Transport and Economic Development

  • Maritime Transport and Maritime Security Issues, Heidi Kuusniemi, FGRI, FIN
  • Increasing the value of satellite data through modelling of marine waters, Hanne Kaas, DHI, DK
  • Examples of Big Data Analytics in the Baltic Region, RISE, SWE
  • Smart Cities in the Baltic, Esther Kreutz, UBC, INT
  • Open Discussion

Commercial and Operational Geo-Information Services

  • Maritime Spatial Planning in the Baltic, Jacek Zaucha, Gdansk Maritime, Institute, PL
  • Territorial Planning and Management, Agata Hoscilo, IGIK, PL
  • Grasslands Monitoring, Kalev Koppel, KappaZeta, EE
  • Natural Resources Management, Kęstutis Papšys, GIS Centras, LT
  • Open Discussion

Perspectives from Regional and International Initiatives

  • Copernicus Core Services for the Baltic, EC DG GROW, EU
  • Copernicus Marine Environment Service, Laura Tuomi, FMI, FIN
  • Development of new national montioring services in Lithuania, Diana Vaiciute, Klaipeda University, LT
  • Water quality monitoring for WFD, MSFD and Helcom, Petra Phillipson, Brockmann Geomatics, SWE
  • Forest management - current capabilities and future opportunities, Mattias Rennel, Reach-U, EE
  • Open Discussion



Main Content

Environment data for the Baltic region I

  • Data and services at the Estonian CollGS, S. Lätt, Enterprise EE
  • Data and services at the Finnish CollGS, J. Heilimo, FMI
  • Data and services at the German CollGS, J. Hoffmann, DLR
  • Data and services at the Swedish CollGS, K. Holmquist, SNSB
  • Data and services at the Polish CollGS, B. Mikolajek-Zielinska, Min. of Sci. and Higher Education, Poland

Environment data for the Baltic region II


  • EUDAT, P.  Öster, CSC.FI
  • HELCOM data and map services, J. Kaitaranta, HELCOM
  • Open Data from SYKE, Y. Sucksdorff, SYKE
  • EMODNET Baltic Sea Checkpoint, K. Skov-Madsen, DMI
  • ICES Ecosystem Data Portal, M. Dickey-Collas, ICES DK 


Collaborative Platforms


  • Forestry TEP , T. Häme/R. Tergujeff, VTT
  • Coastal TEP, S. Clerc, ACRI (TBC) 
  • Hydro TEP, D. Gustafsson, SMHI
  • Polar TEP , E. Rinne, FMI
  • Urban TEP , M. Boettcher, Brockmann Consult


Big Data Infrastructures

  • Copernicus data access, DIAS, A. Veispak, DG-GROW
  • Earth Observation data in SAP HANA , O. Genis, SAP
  • European Open Science Cloud, C. Martinez, DG-CONNECT
  • Amazon Web Services , J. Sundwall, AWS 
  • Google Earth Engine, N. Gorelick, Google 
  • NEXT GEOSS, N. Catarino, Deimos
  • IPT Poland, M. Krzyżanowsk, Cloudferro

Panel: Towards a Baltic initiative – data and infrastructures

  • Panel introduction
  • Panel discussion
  • Wrap-up

