Agenda and Session Details
To download the Agenda pdf please click here
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09:15 - |
Introduction to the workshop, ESA Welcome talk by EC DG-Grow Welcome talk by Baltic Earth Welcome talk by BONUS | |
10:40 - 11:10 |
Coffee Break | |
11:10 - |
Salinity & Physical Oceanography in the Baltic Sea |
Environment data for the Baltic region I |
12:50 - |
Lunch Break | |
14:00 - |
Biochemical feedbacks in the Baltic Region |
15:40 - |
Coffee Break | |
16:10 - |
Understanding Sea Level Dynamics |
17:50 - |
Poster Session and Cocktail |
30 March | ||
09:00 - |
Climate, Natural Hazards, Extreme Events... |
10:40 - |
Coffee Break | |
11:10 - |
Security, Transport and Economic Development |
12:50 - |
Lunch Break | |
14:00 - |
Geo-Information Services |
Big Data Infrastructures |
15:40 - |
Coffee Break | |
16:10 - |
Towards a Baltic initiative – data and infrastructures |
17:50 - |
Poster Session and Cocktail |
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09:00 - |
10:00 - |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - |
Session Details
Session |
Main Content |
Salinity & Physical Oceanography in the Baltic Sea |
Basic physics of the Baltic Sea , Kai Myrberg, Finish Environment Institute (SYKE) (FI) |
Baltic ocean dynamics, Jüri Elken, Tallinn University of Technology, (EE) | |
Salinity Dynamics in the Baltic sea, Andreas Lehman, GEOMAR (DE) | |
EO potential (SMOS/SMAP) to map SSS dynamics in the Baltic sea, Antonio Turiel, CSIC (ES) | |
Open Discussion | |
Biochemical feedbacks in the Baltic Region |
Biochemical feedbacks: Overview of the problem and scientific questions, Gregor Rehder, Baltic research Institute (D) |
Using bio-optics and remote-sensing to evaluate coastal influence on Baltic Sea water quality, Susanne Kratzer, Stockholms University (SE) | |
Land-sea biochemical transfer from EO, Tiit Kutser, University of Tartu (ES) | |
Bridging the divide between satellite and shipborne sensing for water quality assessment, Jenni Attila, SYKE (FI) | |
Open Discussion | |
Understanding sea level dynamics in the Baltic Sea |
Sea level in the Baltic Sea: Changes and variability across time scales, Ralf Weisse, HZG (D) |
Altimetry perspectives for the Baltic Sea Level, Kristine Madsen, DMI (DK) | |
Potential of SAR and SARIn in coastal altimetry in the Baltic Sea, Ole Andersen, DTU (DK) | |
Geodetic SAR for Sea Level and Height System Unification in the Baltic, Thomas Gruber, TUM (D) | |
Open Discussion | |
Natural hazards, extreme events and climate change impact on the water cycle in the Baltic |
Introduction to the problem and science questions, Jari Haapala, FMI (FN) |
Detecting sea ice extremes by satellites, Eero Rinne. FMI (FN) | |
Extreme winds, Merete Badger, DTU (DK) | |
Climate Change and the water cycle in the Baltic, Anders Omstedt, University of Gothenburg (SE) | |
Open Discussion | |
Other scientific priorities in the Baltic region |
Sea-air interactions: CO2 fluxes, Anna Rutgersson,Uppsala University (SE) |
Forest and Carbon cycle in the Baltic, Toumas Häme, VTT (FN) | |
SatBaltyk Sytem, Miroslaw Darecki, Institute of Oceanology PAS (PL) | |
Open Discussion |
Session |
Main Content |
Environmental monitoring |
Security, Transport and Economic Development |
Commercial and Operational Geo-Information Services |
Perspectives from Regional and International Initiatives |
Session |
Main Content |
Environment data for the Baltic region I |
Environment data for the Baltic region II |
Collaborative Platforms |
Big Data Infrastructures |
Panel: Towards a Baltic initiative – data and infrastructures |