Main Topics
- Current understanding of the carbon cycle – pools and fluxes
- How do we use models and observations together to improve carbon cycle projections?
- How can we reconcile observations over ocean, land and atmosphere and ensure consistency of carbon flux calculations?
- How do we determine the magnitude of the carbon sink of a region (e.g. Europe)? – what has to be put in place (ground-based, satellite measurements; improved inversion schemes etc.) to solve this open question?
- Climate, humans and carbon cycle change
- Reconciling land, ocean, atmosphere inconsistencies
- Key problem areas and new frontiers
- The unresolved questions in the carbon cycle: what are the priorities and where do satellite data contribute?
- Novel Observations and Products for 2021 and beyond: new and better exploitation of satellite and in situ data
- New Frontiers for models and observations: What can we imagine and what projects can be designed - targeted RECCAPs, CxMIP exercises, integrated carbon observing systems?
- Advancing towards an integrated approach