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12:30 - 13:30 |
13:30 - 13:40 |
Welcome and Introduction ESA |
13:40 - 13:50 |
Organisation and logistics M. Rast |
13:50 - 15:10 | Spaceborne Hyperspectral Missions Overview and Coordination of data acquisition plans |
15:10 - 15:30 |
Tuesday PM Break
15:30 - 16:10 | Spaceborne Hyperspectral Missions Overview and Coordination of data acquisition plans (cont) |
16:10 - 17:50 | Harmonisaton and coordination of data formats, products and research |
17:50 - 18:10 |
Discussion: Harmonisaton and coordination of data formats, products and research
18:10 - 19:30 |
12:30 - 13:30 |
13:30 - 13:40 |
Welcome and Introduction ESA |
13:40 - 13:50 |
Organisation and logistics M. Rast |
13:50 - 15:10 | Spaceborne Hyperspectral Missions Overview and Coordination of data acquisition plans |
15:10 - 15:30 |
Tuesday PM Break
15:30 - 16:10 | Spaceborne Hyperspectral Missions Overview and Coordination of data acquisition plans (cont) |
16:10 - 17:50 | Harmonisaton and coordination of data formats, products and research |
17:50 - 18:10 |
Discussion: Harmonisaton and coordination of data formats, products and research
18:10 - 19:30 |
12:30 - 13:30 |
13:30 - 13:40 |
Welcome and Introduction ESA |
13:40 - 13:50 |
Organisation and logistics M. Rast |
13:50 - 15:10 | Spaceborne Hyperspectral Missions Overview and Coordination of data acquisition plans |
15:10 - 15:30 |
Tuesday PM Break
15:30 - 16:10 | Spaceborne Hyperspectral Missions Overview and Coordination of data acquisition plans (cont) |
16:10 - 17:50 | Harmonisaton and coordination of data formats, products and research |
17:50 - 18:10 |
Discussion: Harmonisaton and coordination of data formats, products and research
18:10 - 19:30 |
08:30 - 10:10 | Exchange and harmonisation of geo/biophysical parameter retrieval schemes |
10:10 - 10:30 |
Wednesday AM Break
10:30 - 11:50 | Exchange and harmonisation of geo/biophysical parameter retrieval schemes (cont) |
11:50 - 12:20 |
Discussion: Exchange and harmonisation of geo/biophysical parameter retrieval schemes
12:20 - 13:30 |
Wednesday Lunch Break
13:30 - 15:30 | Mission calibration and data validation plans and philosophy for data quality assurance and uncertainty quantification |
15:30 - 15:50 |
Wednesday PM Break
15:50 - 17:30 | Mission calibration and data validation plans and philosophy for data quality assurance and uncertainty quantification (cont) |
17:30 - 18:00 |
Discussion: Mission calibration and data validation plans and philosophy for data quality assurance and uncertainty quantification
19:00 - 21:00 |
Workshop Dinner
08:30 - 10:10 | Exchange and harmonisation of geo/biophysical parameter retrieval schemes |
10:10 - 10:30 |
Wednesday AM Break
10:30 - 11:50 | Exchange and harmonisation of geo/biophysical parameter retrieval schemes (cont) |
11:50 - 12:20 |
Discussion: Exchange and harmonisation of geo/biophysical parameter retrieval schemes
12:20 - 13:30 |
Wednesday Lunch Break
13:30 - 15:30 | Mission calibration and data validation plans and philosophy for data quality assurance and uncertainty quantification |
15:30 - 15:50 |
Wednesday PM Break
15:50 - 17:30 | Mission calibration and data validation plans and philosophy for data quality assurance and uncertainty quantification (cont) |
17:30 - 18:00 |
Discussion: Mission calibration and data validation plans and philosophy for data quality assurance and uncertainty quantification
19:00 - 21:00 |
Workshop Dinner
08:30 - 10:10 | Exchange and harmonisation of geo/biophysical parameter retrieval schemes |
10:10 - 10:30 |
Wednesday AM Break
10:30 - 11:50 | Exchange and harmonisation of geo/biophysical parameter retrieval schemes (cont) |
11:50 - 12:20 |
Discussion: Exchange and harmonisation of geo/biophysical parameter retrieval schemes
12:20 - 13:30 |
Wednesday Lunch Break
13:30 - 15:30 | Mission calibration and data validation plans and philosophy for data quality assurance and uncertainty quantification |
15:30 - 15:50 |
Wednesday PM Break
15:50 - 17:30 | Mission calibration and data validation plans and philosophy for data quality assurance and uncertainty quantification (cont) |
17:30 - 18:00 |
Discussion: Mission calibration and data validation plans and philosophy for data quality assurance and uncertainty quantification
19:00 - 21:00 |
Workshop Dinner
08:30 - 10:30 | Potential synergies with other current and future space-based systems |
10:30 - 11:00 |
Discussion: Potential synergies with other current and future space-based systems
11:00 - 11:20 |
Thursday AM Break
11:20 - 13:00 |
Overall discussion, conclusions and future recommendations
08:30 - 10:30 | Potential synergies with other current and future space-based systems |
10:30 - 11:00 |
Discussion: Potential synergies with other current and future space-based systems
11:00 - 11:20 |
Thursday AM Break
11:20 - 13:00 |
Overall discussion, conclusions and future recommendations
08:30 - 10:30 | Potential synergies with other current and future space-based systems |
10:30 - 11:00 |
Discussion: Potential synergies with other current and future space-based systems
11:00 - 11:20 |
Thursday AM Break
11:20 - 13:00 |
Overall discussion, conclusions and future recommendations