Workshop on International Cooperation in Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy
9 – 11 July 2019
ESA – ESRIN Largo Galileo Galilei 1
00044 Frascati Italy

Imaging spectroscopy in the visible to shortwave infrared wavelength range, is a powerful tool for terrestrial Earth observation that has the potential to provide next generation geo/biophysical products. Imaging spectroscopy measurements have a high diagnostic power: spectroscopic observations with hundreds of contiguous spectral channels provide detection sensitivity to a wide range of critical physical processes and materials. The spectral nature of these data permits the quantitative measurement and uncertainty assessment with rigorous field validation. The technique has gradually evolved from technological demonstrations projects and scientific studies towards operational and commercial applications and is today one of the fastest growing research areas in remote sensing. The panoply of upcoming imaging spectrometers in space calls for joint collaborations and synergies among the missions, including also synergies with the multispectral sensors already operating or waiting in the international launch queues. The main objective of this workshop is to recommend future international coordination permitting cooperation in the deployment, operation, and exploitation of space-based imaging spectrometers for terrestrial and coastal scientific and operational applications.