13th Coastal Altimetry Workshop - Coastal Altimetry Training
6-10 February 2023
Universidad de Cádiz, Spain
The Coastal Altimetry Community (http://www.coastalt.eu/community), that is the international community of scientists, engineers and managers working on developing applications of altimetry in the coastal zone, invites you to the Universidad de Cádiz (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras - Address: Av. Dr. Gómez Ulla, also: C. Bartolomé Llompart, 3). for the 13th Edition of the Coastal Altimetry Workshop (CAW-13) on 6-10 February 2023, including a Coastal Altimetry Training for Early Career Scientists and Engineers.
The coastal zone has become a recognised mission target for present and future satellite altimetry missions, also thanks to the successful results of SARin & SAR high resolution altimetry from CryoSat-2, Sentinel-3A/B and Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, and to Ka-band altimetry from SARAL/AltiKa. This Workshop aims at being once again a lively forum for a community-led review of the science and applications of coastal altimetry, from data processing through emerging applications to new technologies.
The workshop will feature studies using the latest missions’ data products (Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, Sentinel-3A/B, CryoSat-2, CFOSAT, HY-2, AltiKa and Jason-3) and simulated data from the future SWOT mission.
Dedicated sessions will cover technical issues and applications in coastal altimetry (sea level, dynamic topography, currents, winds and waves, sea state, extreme events, etc.), including investigations on the complex hydrodynamics of estuaries and on how the runoff affects coastal water circulation, and discuss other data for both real-time monitoring & long-term change studies and products for operationalisation.
As in previous editions of the Workshop, requirements from the users are expected to stimulate the improvement of present and the shaping of future applications, space-borne and in situ products & models, and consolidate the recurring requirements for a Global Coastal Altimetry Product Standard.
The International Coastal Altimetry Community website can be accessed at: http://www.coastalt.eu/
The Coastal Altimetry Workshop Series website can be accessed from the History section of this website
The URL of this site is: www.coastalaltimetry.org