
Please find below the preliminary agenda of the workshop. Time-slots are indicated in Central European Time (CET)

Please click here to download the power point template.

7th Sentinel-3 Validation Team Meeting
Tuesday, 18 October 2022
13:00-13:05Welcome and Introductions
Copernicus Programme Status
13:15-13:30Sentinel-3 Mission Status
Anja Strømme, Hilary Wilson - ESA & EUMETSAT Sentinel-3 Mission Managers
13:30-13:45SLSTR A‐B Instruments and Products status
Steffen Dransfeld, ESA & Anne O'Carroll, EUMETSAT
OLCI A‐B Instruments and Products status
Steffen Dransfeld, ESA & Ewa Kwiatkowska, EUMETSAT
SRAL/MWR A‐B Instruments and Products status
Pierre Féménias, ESA & Bruno Lucas, EUMETSAT
14:15-14:25Atmospheric Products status
Christian Retscher, ESA & Julien Chimot, EUMETSAT
14:25-14:35ESA Data Access
Jolyon Martin, ESA
14:35-14:45EUMETSAT Data Acces
Hayley Evers-King, EUMETSAT
15:15-17:00Altimetry Session
Chairs: Pierre Féménias & Bruno Lucas

Joint Optical Session
Chairs:  Steffen Dransfeld, Tim Hewison

Review of past ALT-S3VT Action Items and Recommendations Pierre Féménias, ESA & Bruno Lucas, EUMETSAT (20')
SLSTR – On-Orbit Performance and Calibration Status
Dave Smith, STFC (15')

S3 STM Marine center  status
Bruno Lucas, EUMETSAT (20')
Copernicus Sentinel-3 Ocean and Land Colour Instrument Calibration
Ludovic Bourg, ACRI-ST (15')

Introduction of the new Sentinel-3 Mission Performance Cluster for Land Surface Topography Mission
Ghita Jettou, CLS (20')
Validation of the SLSTR & OLCI Sentinel-3 calibration/radiometry using natural targets
Camille Desjardins, CNES (15')

Sentinel-3 Surface Topography Mission status and performance over ocean
Francesco Nencioli, CLS (20')
Sentinel-3 OLCI Level-1 radiometric uncertainties validation
Alexis Deru, ACRI-ST (15')

Sentinel-3 Land STM: The new thematic level-2 products over hydrology, sea ice and land ice
Giovanni D'Apice, CLS (20')
http://dummyComparison of level 1 B data from OLCI-A and OLCI-B in FLEX configuration during Sentinel 3 tandem mission using a transfer function for quality control
Lena Jänicke, FU Berlin (15')

Calibration of S3-OLCI over Deep Convective Clouds with the help of geostationary data
Dominique Jolivet, Hygeos (15')

Analysis of global cloud shadow occurrence in OLCI FR products and estimation of impact on current OLCI FR L2 products
Carsten Brockmann, Brockmann Consult GmbH (15')

17:30-19:00Altimetry Session
Chairs: Pierre Féménias & Bruno Lucas
SLSTR L1 & specificities for L2 applications
Chairs: Anne O'Carroll + Steffen Dransfeld
Ocean Colour Session
Chairs: Tania Casal & Ewa Kwiatkowska

Sentinel-3 performance and thematic product for land ice
Sebatian B. Simonsen, DTU Space (20')
SLSTR Radiometric Uncertainty Analysis
Dave Smith, STFC (15')
Updates on the operational Sentinel 3A and 3B OLCI datasets in the Copernicus Marine Service
Vittorio Brando, CMEMS (15')

Sentinel-3 Land STM MPC: Performance of the S3A and S3B Surface Topography Mission over sea-ice
Sara Fleury, LEGOS (20')
The “Copernicus Space Component Validation for Land Surface Temperature, Aerosol Optical Depth and Water Vapor Sentinel-3 Products (LAW)” Project : Overview and Main achievements regarding S3 validation
Claire Henocq, ACRI-ST (15')
NOAA Ocean Color Team Validation Activity Updates
Menghua Wang, NOAA (15')

Sentinel-3 Land STM: New Hydrology Thematic Products performances over Inland Waters
Nicolas Taburet, CLS (20')
Validation of the new SLSTR basic cloud mask prototype
Jan Wevers, Brockmann Consult GmbH (15')
Radiometric Validation of Sentinel-3AB by the WATERHYPERNET
Kevin Ruddick, RBINS (15') 

Poster presentation (2 min) + Discussion (15')
Obstruction - an all-purpose cloud masking concept in response to manifold user requirements
Ralf Quast, Brockmann Consult (15')
Recent measurements of marine optical properties in the Eastern Mediterranean and the potential Copernicus Ocean Colour System Vicarious Calibration (OC-SVC) site of Crete
Andrew Banks, HCMR (5')

Calibration monitoring of SLSTR IR channels based on comparisons with IASI
Tim Hewison, EUMETSAT (10')
Ocean Colour Database OCDB – Evolution within the FRM4SOC Project Carsten Brockmann, Brockmann Consult GmbH (5')

Poster Presentation: An improved surface classification algorithm for SLSTR Level 1 to determine mixed land-water pixels
Caroline Cox, RAL Space (5')
Access to EUMETSAT OC products via EDB and ThoMaS – a Tool to generate Matchups of OC products with Sentinel-3/OLCI
Juan Ignacio Gossn, EUMETSAT (15')


19:00-20:30S3VT#7 Ice Breaker @ ESA ESRIN
Wednesday, 19 October 2022
09:00-10:30Altimetry Session
Chairs: Pierre Féménias & Bruno Lucas
Landcover & Temperature  Session
Chairs: Steffen Dransfeld & Igor Tomazic

Ocean Colour Session
Chairs: Tania Casal & Ewa Kwiatkowska
Sea & Icesurface Temperature Session`
Chairs: Craig Donlon & Anne Ocarrol
Atmosphere Session
Chairs: Christian Retscher & Julien Chimot

Latest improvement and Performance assessment of the Sentinel-3A STM Microwave Radiometer 
ML. Denneulin, CLS (20')
Validation of Sentinel-3 Land Surface Temperature datasets against ground-based measurements in support of the Copernicus LAW project
Jasdeep Anand, University Of Leicester (15')
Radiometric qualification of OLCI at Italian automated radiometry sites in diverse optical regimes
Vittorio Brando, CNR ISMAR (15')
Status of Copernicus Sea-Surface Temperature products
Gary Corlett, EUMETSAT (20')
Welcome - Short introduction ESA/EUM (5 min)


Validation, evolution and application of OLCIs total column water vapor product Rene Preusker, FU-Berlin

Sentinel-3A/B instrument calibration monitoring and absolute calibration assessment
Pablo Garcia, isardSAT (20')
Sentinel 3 SLSTR images for infrared remote sensing of volcanic activity
Malvina Silvestri, Istituto Nazionale Di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (15')
Validation of L2 Products of OLCIs around coastal waters in the Yellow and East China Sea
Bing Han, National Ocean Technology Center (15')
Felyx new release of the distributed and cloud-ready multi-matchup dataset production framework
Igor Tomazic - EUMETSAT (20')
Results of the validation of the AIRWAVE-SLSTR TCWV product and follow-on study
Massimo Valeri 

Copernicus Sentinel-3 Precise Orbit Determination – performance of operational products
Jaime Fernández Sánchez, GMV (15')
Intensive validation of new XBAER snow products derived SLSTR/ Sentinel-3 
Linlu Mei, University Of Bremen, Germany (15')
Comparison of in-situ and Sentinel 3 OLCI radiometric measurements in Lake Balaton, Katalin Blix, UiT The Arctic University of Norway (15')
Sentinel-3 SLSTR validation using in-situ data collected by the MONIZEE system Portugal
Luisa Lamas, Instituto Hidrográfico (on -site)  (20')
Performances and benefits of a 1D-variational approach applied to the water vapour and wet tropospheric correction for the Sentinel 3A and 3B topography missions
Bruno Picard

Copernicus Sentinel-3 Precise Orbit Determination using the COST-G fitted signal models
Jaime Fernández Sánchez, GMV (15')
Discussion on SLSTR L2 product evolution
Validation of Sentinel-3/OLCI water reflectance using automatic hyperspectral in-situ observations in the turbid waters of Río de la Plata, Argentina (HYPERNETS Site)
Ana Dogliotti, Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio Iafe (CONICET/UBA)) (15')
Evaluation of the potential of Sentinel-3 SLSTR data for bias correction of NOAA's high-resolution global sea surface temperature analysis
Andrew Harris  - University of Maryland (on-site)  (20')
Discussion H2O (All) - Recommendations / Feedbacks to Agencies

Sentinel-3 calibration and validation using Fiducial Reference Measurements and diverse Cal/Val techniques at the ESA Permanent Facility for Altimetry Calibration in west Crete, Greece 
Stelios Mertikas, Technical University Of Crete (20')

Sentinel 3a and 3b: four years of high-resolution ferry-based in situ reflectance validation data and bioregionalization of the British Columbia coastal waters
Maycira Costa, University of Victoria, Canada (15')
Discussion on SST validation and in-situ data (10')
Aerosols, Clouds and Surface

Extended validation and evaluation of the OLCI-SLSTR Synergy aerosol product (SY_2_AOD) on Sentinel-3
Larisa Sogacheva, FMI

Discussion: OLCI validation results

OSSAR-CS3 - Two years of (pre)operational NRT (Near Real Time) Copernicus Sentinel-3 aerosols - Lessons learned & new developments for the next 2 years
Julien Chimot, EUMETSAT
Sentinel-3 Topography mission Assessment through Reference Techniques – The ESA St3TART project
Elodie Da Silva, Noveltis (20')
A new (validation) approach for systematic monitoring of the Sentinel-3 OLCI cloud mask using low-cost sky cameras
Jan Wevers, Brockmann Consult GmbH, Germany (15')
Spectral features of ocean colour radiometric products in the presence of cyanobacteria blooms in the Baltic Sea from in situ and OLCI data
Ilaria Cazzaniga, JRC (15')
Copernicus demonstrational SLSTR sea ice surface temperature
Igor Tomazic - EUMETSAT  (20')
Implementation and benefits of a new cloud mask for operational retrieval of aerosols properties over oceans: the Naïve Probabilistic Cloud and Aerosol Mask
Edouard Martins - Rhea/EUMETSAT

GPD+ wet tropospheric corrections for the Sentinel-3 SRAL/MWR BC 004 and BC 005 collections
Joana Fernandes, CIIMAR (20')
Toward a Fiducial OLCI Green-Instantaneous FAPAR product
Nadine Gobron, JRC European Commission (15')
How good are the chlorophyll-a products for the Baltic Sea?
Tuuli Soomets, Estonian Marine Institute (15')
Development of a reference instrument for sea ice surface temperature
Gorm Dybkjaer - Danish Meteorological Institute  (20')
Evaluation of the Copernicus Aerosol Optical Depth from SLSTR in the Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service (CAMS) data assimilation system
Sebastien Garrigues, ECMWF/CAMS

Sentinel-3 SRAL/MWR and SLSTR Sensors Synergy for the Retrieval of the Wet Tropospheric Correction
Pedro Aguiar, University of Porto (20')
Intercomparison of OLCI’s essential vegetation variables retrieved with Gaussian Processes using Google Earth Engine
Dávid Kovács, University of Valencia-Image Processing Laboratory (15')
Validation of OLCI remote sensing reflectance and chlorophyll-a data in the Baltic Sea Copernicus Marine Service products
Luis Gonzalez Vilas, CNR ISMAR (15')
Fiducial Reference Measurement drifting buoy data for Sentinel-3 SLSTR validation: progress and future steps
Marc Lucas - CLS  (20')
Fiducial Reference Measurement needs to support Cal/Val activities for EUMETSAT operated Copernicus missions: Example for Aerosol Products
Thierry Marbach, EUMETSAT

Performances and benefits of a 1D-variational approach applied to the wet tropospheric correction for the Sentinel 3A and 3B topography missions
Bruno Picard, Fluctus Sas (20')
Discussion on OLCI L2 product evolution - All
Validation of OLCI Level-2 collection 3 water products and comparison with C2RCC over coastal and inland waters
Carole Lebreton, Brockmann Consult GmbH (15')
Thermal infrared product inter-comparison and validation with FRM radiometers
Frank Goettsche - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology  (20')
Retrieval of aerosol and surface properties from OLCI/Sentinel-3A based on GRASP algorithm: development and validation
Cheng Chen, GRASP S.A.S.

Updated altimeter validation results for Sentinel-3A/3B from Bass Strait, Australia 
Christopher Watson, University Of Tasmania (20')
Intercomparisons of SYNERGY surface directional reflectance – methodology and plans for the OPT-MPC routine service validation
Naga Suman Moparthy, ACRI-ST (15')
Validation of OLCI and CMEMS total chlorophyll a and phytoplankton group products in the Atlantic-Arctic Ocean
Hongyan Xi, Alfred Wegener Institute (15')
Poster presentation: Scientific Service Framework for Copernicus Sea and Sea-ice Surface Temperature Product Improvement and Cal/Val Tool Development and Evolution
Elodie Da Silva, Noveltis
Validation of Advanced Synergy Aerosol Product from MERIS and AATSR provided by GRASP algorithm in the frame of CAWA-2 project
Anton Lopatin, GRASP S.A.S.

Discussion (ocean)
All (20')
Evaluation of the Sentinel 3 Synergy Surface Reflectance Product
Eric Vermote, NASA/GSFC (15')
Comparisons between official OLCI L2 Marine collection 2 and 3 cloud detection over water using the PixBox approach
Carole Lebreton, Brockmann Consult GmbH (15')
Discussion on validation, sea-ice and high-latitudes
All (35')
Investigation and application of machine learning to enhance the performance of SLSTR aerosol retrieval
Pekka Kolmonen, FMI

Consistency Between Sentinel-3 SYN VGT Products and PROBA-V
Carolien Toté, VITO Remote Sensing (15')
Atmospheric corrections in view of diverse optical water types
Martin Hieronymi, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon (15')

Towards harmonization of the ATSR and SLSTR AOD CDRs
Larisa Sogacheva, FMI

Discussion on SYN product evolution - All (20')
Discussion: OLCI validation results

Extending XBAER algorithm for volcanic eruptions
Linlu Mei, IUP Bremen
13:00-14:00Lunch Break
14:00-15:30Water level and sea state retrieval from the Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B missions
Luciana Fenoglio, University of Bonn (20')
Use the European Research Infrastructure networks for validation of Sentinel products: the ICOS example
Bert Gielen, University of Antwerp (15')
Fiducial Reference Measurements for Satellite Ocean Colour (FRM4SOC) Phase 2 – introduction
Juan Ignacio Gossn, EUMETSAT (5')
Comparison of SLSTR Clear-Sky infrared measurements with those of geostationary imagers, and skin SST accuracy assessment using ship radiometers
Peter Minnett, University of Miami  (20')
OLCI surface retrieval validation using GROSAT/GRASP surface reference dataset
Pavel Litvinov, GRASP S.A.S.

Evaluation of results from Fully Focused processing of Sentinel 3 SAR Altimeter Data as a potential contribution to Coastal Monitoring – the FFSAR-Coastal Project
David Cotton, SATOC (15')
Conversion of ForWarn National Vegetation Disturbance Monitoring System from MODIS to Sentinel-3 OLCI: Comparison with existing MODIS NDVI vegetation disturbance products, and forward conversion of MODIS NDVI maps to synthetic S3 OLCI-like NDVI maps.
William Hargrove, Usda Forest Service (15')
Fiducial Reference Measurements for Satellite Ocean Colour (FRM4SOC) Phase 2 – an update
Riho Vendt, University of Tartu (15')
Sentinel-3 SLSTR SST validation using a Fiducial Reference Measurements (FRM) service
Werenfrid Wimmer, University of Southampton  (20')
Discussion Aerosols / Clouds / Surfaces  (All) - Recommendations / Feedbacks to Agencies

Evaluating new SAR Altimeter processing algorithms over the coastal zone and inland waters- the ESA HYDROCOASTAL project
David Cotton, SATOC (15')
Discussion: main Land cover and Temperature group meeting findings, conclusions and recommendations - All
Complete characterisation and calibration of Ocean Colour Radiometers for Ocean Colour Validation
Viktor Vabson, University Of Tartu (15')
The feasbility of using radiometers on Saildrones for the validation of satellite-derived skin SST
Chong Jia, University of Miami  (20')

New sea level polar maps combining Sentinel-3A, SARAL/AltiKa and Crysosat-2
Pierre Veillard, CLS (20')

Uncertainty evaluation for FRM in-situ Ocean Colour measurements
Agnieszka Białek, National Physical Laboratory (15')
Discussion of FRM 
All (30')

Discussion (20')

HyperInSPACE:A Community Processor for Above-Water Radiometry with FRM standards
Alexis Deru, ACRI-ST  (15')
Fires & all Thermal hot-spots

OFRaP-CS3 - Two years of (pre)operational NRT (Near Real Time) Copernicus Sentinel-3 fires - Lessons learned & new developments for operational and climate users
Julien Chimot, EUMETSAT

Overview of two High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Inter-comparison exercises on Chlorophyll a and Marine Pigments organized to support the validation of data products from Copernicus Sentinel-3
Elisabetta Canuti, JRC (15')

Daytime Non Time Critical (NTC) Sentinel-3 SLSTR Active Fire Detection and FRP Retrieval Algorithm Enhancements
Weidong Xu, King's College London
NOAA Sentinel-3 Ocean and Sea-ice Cal/val Activities
Eric Leuliette, NASA/GSFC (20')

Activities towards improving Ocean Colour OLCI algorithms and products and facilitating validations
Ewa Kwiatkowska, EUMETSAT (5')

An Inter-comparison framework to assess the spatial and temporal consistency of the Sentinel-3 Level 2 Fire Radiative Power (FRP) products
Bernado Mota, NPL

Assessement of using Sentinel-3 wave data in coastal area and Marginal Ice Zone
Lotfi Aouf, Meteo-France (20')

Revisiting Sentinel-3 OLCI Ocean Colour Standard Atmospheric Correction: the EUMETSAT OC-SAC study
Constant Mazeran, Solvo (15')

Evaluation of Sentinel 3 fire radiative power (FRP) for monitoring of gas flaring at natural gas liquefaction (LNG) plants
Kerstin Stebel, NILU

Vertical and Horizontal Wave Velocities and Their Impact on Sentinel-3 Measurements – An Overview
Christopher Buchhaupt, ESSIC/UMD (20')

BRDF correction of S3 OLCI water reflectance products
Davide D'alimonte, Aequora (15')

Discussion Fires & all Hot-SPots - Recommendations / Feedbacks to Agencies
Comparison of PLRM and SAR icebergs detection for S3A and S3B
Jean Tournadre, Ifremer (20')

Discussion on Matchup Protocols for Sentinel-3 Ocean Colour Product Validations in Comparison with in situ Measurements
Juan Ignacio Gossn, EUMETSAT (15')

All - Summary recommendations / Feedbacks and wrap up for plenarys ession on All Atmosphere topics

Comparison of Sentinel-3, Jason-3, and Sentinel-6 altimetric and radiometric measurements over freshwater ice: Case study of Great Slave Lake (Canada) and Lake Oulujärvi (Finland)
Claude Duguay, University of Waterloo (15')

Discussion: community sharing of in situ datasets, All

Sensitivity of Sentinel-3 and Jason-2/3 radar altimetry and microwave radiometry measurements to variable ice and snow properties on large northern lakes
Claude Duguay, University of Waterloo (15')

Discussion: OLCI Ocean Colour meeting findings, conclusions and recommendations, All

Sentinel-3 altimetry data quality over Antarctica, and on-going studies to improve the mission performances over land ice
Jérémie Aublanc, CLS (20')

Discussion (15')

19:30-21:00Hosted dinner at Villa Grazioli
Thursday, 20 October 2022
09:00-10:30Altimetry Session
Chairs: Pierre Féménias & Bruno Lucas
Landcover & Temperature  Session
Chairs: Steffen Dransfeld & Igor Tomazic
Ocean Colour Session
Chairs: Tania Casal & Ewa Kwiatkowska
Sea & Icesurface Temperature Session
Chairs: Craig Donlon & Anne Ocarrol
Atmosphere Session
Chairs: Christian Retscher & Julien Chimot
Reconstructing river water level time series from multi-mission satellite altimetry – reach based methods
Karina Nielsen (20')

Discussion: main OLCI Ocean Colour meeting findings, conclusions and recommendations

Sentinel-3A satellite altimetry data to monitor water level changes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River
Yanhan Lou, Chinese Academy of Sciences (20')

Proia A waveform simulator for Sentinel-3 SAR Altimeter over land
Giuseppina De Felice, University of Rome Tor Vergata (20')

11:00-13:00Wrap-up Altimetry

Wrap-up Landcover & Temperature

Wrap-up Ocean Colour 

Wrap-up Sea & Icesurface Temperature 

Wrap-up Atmosphere 

Plenary Wrap-up