The Fifth Sentinel-3 Validation Team Meeting 2019
7-9 May 2019 - ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy
With both Sentinel-3A and -3B now in orbit and the tandem flight being completed, this meeting will focus on the comparison of data from both missions and the results of the tandem phase. The organisation of the meeting will be centred, as usual, around the sub-groups for Altimetry, Sea Surface Temperature, Ocean Colour, Land and Atmosphere. The sub-group chairs will contact you nearer the time to agree on the programme for the individual sub-group meetings and major topics to be addressed.
ESA’s Centre for Earth Observation (ESRIN) will host the conference. It is located in Frascati, a small town 20km south-east of Rome in Italy.
Please click here for information about how to travel to ESRIN.
You can download all the presentations below.
- Pierre Féménias, ESA
- Remko Scharroo, EUMETSAT
- Steffen Dransfeld, ESA
- Igor Tomazic, EUMETSAT
- Jens Nieke, ESA
- Ewa Kwiatkowska, EUMETSAT
- Craig Donlon, ESA
- Tania Casal, ESA
- Anne Ocarroll, EUMETSAT
- Simon Pinnock, ESA
- Julien Chimot, EUMETSAT
- Estelle Obligis, EUMETSAT
- Francois Montagner , EUMETSAT
- Susanne Mecklenburg, ESA
- Hilary Wilson, EUMETSAT
- Abstract submission: by 1 April 2019 3 April 2019
- Final programme release: 12 April 2019
- Registration opens: 1 April 2019
The registration is now open. Please click here to register.
Registration deadline is 30 April 2019
A number of rooms have been pre-booked for the participants at special rates in several local hotels. Please click here to download the Hotel Booking Form.
There will be a dedicated bus during the Workshop that will leave every morning from Frascati centre (Piazza Marconi).
The abstract submission is now closed.
Location Address:
Largo Galileo Galilei, 1
00044 Frascati (RM), Italy
For logistic information about the event please contact the
ESA Conference Bureau
Largo Galileo Galilei, 1
00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
T +39 06 94 180 912