Sentinel-3 Validation Team Altimetry
The altimeter sub-group of the Sentinel 3 Validation Team concerns itself with the validation of the measurements of the SRAL altimeter (range, significant wave height, and backscatter) and MWR radiometer (brightness temperatures) and any derived physical quantities such as sea surface height, wind speed, dual-frequency ionospheric correction, and wet tropospheric correction.
The S3VT will primarily validate the most relevant physical quantities (sea surface height, inland water heights, ice sheet elevation, significant wave height, wind speed, ionospheric correction, wet tropospheric correction, sea ice freeboard, rain rates) as they are provided on the Level 1 and Level 2 data products. Where feasible, the S3VT will attempt to translate its findings back to original measurements quantities, Ku- and C-band range, backscatter, and brightness temperatures (available on Level 1 and 2 products), as well as any of additional geophysical corrections, orbital altitude, platform attitude/mispointing, and time tagging.
In order to accomplish this the sub-group will gather external satellite data (CryoSat-2, HY-2A, Jason-2, Jason-3, SARAL), model data (such as atmospheric model grids) and in-situ data (such as tide gauge and buoys), and conduct dedicated campaigns to produce additional validation data.
Please click here for the S3VT Altimetry Terms of Reference.
Please click here to download the list of Sentinel 3VT Projects.
For further information, please contact:
Contact: Pierre Féménias
Contact: Bruno Lucas