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The meeting programme and discussion will be built around the following Themes:
  • Sea surface salinity monitoring: past, present and future
          Keynote speakers: Nicolas Reul (Ifremer), Tony Lee (JPL)
  • Complementarities between in situ and satellite SSS observing systems
          Keynote speaker: Jacqueline Boutin (LOCEAN)
  • Salinity and the water cycle, including atmosphere/ocean/land/ice interactions and fluxes
          Keynote speaker: Lisan Yu (WHOI)
  • Salinity and ocean circulation (e.g. modelling, data assimilation, transports, upper ocean processes)
          Keynote speaker: Oscar Alves (Bureau of Meteorology)
  • Salinity and ocean biology (e.g. links with fisheries, primary productivity), biogeochemistry (e.g. CO2 fugacity) and bio-optics
          Keynote speaker: Joe Salisbury (University of New Hampshire)
  • Salinity and climate monitoring / prediction
          Keynote speaker: Richard Wood (Met Office)
  • Scientific challenges and priorities for salinity science

         Keynote speaker: Christine Gommenginger (NOC)

Papers and Posters are welcome on all topics.

Logbooks of Nicholas Pocock (National Maritime Museum, Greenwich)

CTD frame with different sized Niskin bottles including sensors on the rudder which prevents the frame from twisting. (NOC, 2014)

The ESA Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite (ESA)
