For the flyer version of the programme, please click here
DAY 1 - 17 January 2017 | |
9:30am - |
J. Aschbacher, Director Earth Observation (ESA) |
9:50am |
B. Hoersch, Sentinel-2 MIssion Manager (ESA) |
10:10am |
S. Mecklenburg, Sentinel-3 Mission Manager (ESA) |
10:30am |
A. Elfving, FLEX Project Manager (ESA) |
10:50am |
Coffee Break |
11:20am |
Jose Moreno |
Session 1 - Synergistic exploitation of measurements from instruments on the FLEX, Sentinel-2 and Sentinel- 3 missions Chairs: M. Drusch and R. Bock | |
11:50am - |
Consistent Remote Sensing Land Surface Products from the JRC-TIP |
12:50pm |
Lunch |
2:00pm |
North, P. |
Session 2 - Atmospheric correction, cloud screening, and retrieval of surface reflectance and fluorescence retrieval Chairs: P. Goryl and P. North |
2:30pm |
Sabater, Neus |
3:10pm |
Coffee Break |
Session 2 – Atmospheric correction cloud screening and retrieval of surface reflectance anf fluorescence retrieval (cont’d) Chairs: P. Goryl and P. North |
3:40pm |
Joint Retrieval Of Surface Reflectance And Aerosol Properties: Application To Proba-V Observations The OLCI Straylight Correction Algorithm : First Results and Lessons Learnt for FLEX Impact of Instrument Characterization in the Retrieval of SIF: HyPlant Case Study
Updates on Fluorescence Retrieval Algorithm Based on Spectral Fitting Approach and Results on High-Resolution Radiance Observations |
New Methods for Retrieval of Chlorophyll Red Fluorescence from Hyper-Spectral Satellite Instruments | |
5:20pm |
5:50pm |
DAY 2 - 18 January 2017 | |
9:30am |
Rascher, Uwe |
Chairs: M. Bouvet and J. Moreno |
10:00am |
Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence from the Leaf Through the Global Scale Sun Induced Fluorescence: A Bottom-Up Approach in Chlorophyll-Deficient and Green Soybean |
10:40am |
Coffee Break |
Chairs: M. Bouvet and J. Moreno |
11:10am |
Measuring the Diurnal Cycle of Solar Induced Fluorescence at a Savanna Woodland Site in Northern Australia using a UAV Mounted Spectroradiometer NIRv: A new reflectance index useful for interpreting SIF PRI of a European Boreal Forest Testing the Potential of Sentinel-3 in the Generation of Daily ET Estimates at ~1 km Resolution over Wetland Ecosystems |
12:30pm |
1:00pm |
Lunch |
2:00pm |
Mohammed, Gina |
Chairs: B. Koetz and M. Moettus |
2:30pm |
HyPlant Images to Investigate the Capability of FLEX and Sentinels to Monitor a Mixed Forest Ecosystem Semi-Arid Ecosystem Monitoring: A New Perspective with Sun-Induced Fluorescence and Sentinel Observations |
Chairs: B. Koetz and M. Moettus |
3:40pm |
Daily and Seasonal Photosynthetic and Fluorescence Efficiencies for a Cornfield Using Satellite Fluorescence to Estimate Vegetation Stress and Global Transpiration |
5:00pm |
DAY 3 - 19 January 2017 | |
9:30am |
Scholze, Marko |
Session 5 - Models and data assimilation approaches combining fluorescence and multiple vegetation data Chairs: M. Drusch and T. Kaminski
10:00am |
A Global Land Data Assimilation System for Sequential Assimilation of Vegetation Products
Speeding up the Simulation of Vegetation Fluorescence Through Emulation: Practical Applications for FLEX Data Processing |
10:40am |
Coffee Break |
Session 5 - Models and data assimilation approaches combining fluorescence and multiple vegetation data (cont'd) Chairs: M. Drusch and T. Kaminski | |
11:10am |
Photosynthesis Simulations from the ISBA Model and Comparison with Fluorescence Observations at the European Scale Global Relationships Between Microwave Satellite Vegetation Products, Gross Primary Production, and Solar-Induced Fluorescence An intercomparison of SIF vs EO-based vegetation parameters at global scale: what else can we learn about photosynthesis in the temporal dimension? Using the SCOPE Model to Retrieve Photosynthesis from Reflectance and Chlorophyll Fluorescence |
12:30pm |
Discussion |
2:00pm |
Keynote: Validation Approach for Land Products Gascon, F. |
Session 6 - Product validation, verification and uncertainty analysis Chairs: D. Schuettemeyer and A. Mac Arthur |
2:30pm |
Ground Measurements of Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence in the Context of FLEX Mission Estimating Uncertainties from Ground-based Measurements of FAPAR: A 3D Modeling Approach |
3:10pm |
Coffee Break |
Session 6 - Product validation, verification and uncertainty analysis (cont'd) Chairs: D. Schuettemeyer and A. Mac Arthur |
3:40pm |
Tracking Forest Canopy Stress from an Automated Proximal Hyperspectral Monitoring System FloX: A System for Automatic Long Term Measurements of Top of Canopy Sun Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence PhotoSpec - Ground-based Remote Sensing of Red and Far-Red Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence |
4:40pm |
Discussion/Conclusion |