Introduction and Workshop Objective
ESA’s Doppler Wind Lidar Mission, Aeolus, was successfully launched on 22 August 2018. The mission is a demonstrator for future operational missions, providing vertical profiles of the tropospheric and lower stratospheric wind field for the improvement of numerical weather prediction (NWP) and atmospheric dynamics research. Through Aeolus, the tropospheric and lower stratospheric circulation will be better determined. The largest improvement is expected in the tropics, over the oceans and in polar areas, where the atmosphere is currently not well sampled on small scales. In addition, Aeolus will provide valuable profile information of aerosol and cloud layer optical properties. Further information about the mission is available here on Aeolus ESA.
The first in-orbit Aeolus CAL/VAL and Science Workshop will focus on the mission status, first data quality and CAL/VAL results, the planning of the NWP impact assessment, and on the scientific exploitation of Aeolus data including current and possible future products.
The workshop will start on the 26th at 9:00 am and end on the 29th 14:00 pm
Please click here to download the Aeolus 2019 CAL/VAL and Science workshop summary.