3rd Sentinel-2 Validation Team Meeting
12-14 March 2019 - Toulouse, France
This Sentinel-2 Validation Team (S2VT) meeting is the third edition of a meeting series, initiated in 2016. It aims to provide a forum for interaction among different researchers from both industrial and academic laboratories and institutions in order to foster the development of efficient and effective Calibration and Validation methods.
The objective of the S2VT meeting is to collect independent validation evidence and experimental data to support the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission. The recommendations will be used to contribute to the quality assessment of the mission core products while exploiting Copernicus Sentinel-2 data and to give support to the Cal/Val activities.
The S2VT meeting provides lectures by international expert working with Copernicus Sentinel-2 and other relevant EO missions emphasizing integrative and multi-disciplinary approaches. Talks and posters will be presented by a Cal/Val community who are highly familiar with validation campaigns and methods.
The 3rd S2VT will be held from 12th to 14th of March 2019 in Toulouse, France.
The S2VT is organized under auspices of the ESA, CNES, and ENSEEIHT.