Research Infrastructure (3)
Session Chair
Guenther Landgraf
Audrey Paccini
Friday, September 13, 2019 |
09:15 - 10:35 |
Big Hall - Building 14 |
Keynote Speeches 20 minutes; Oral Presentations 12 minutes; Questions & Answers 3 minutes.
Oral Presentation
The Use of FAO Open Source Tools and Platforms for Capacity Building: Challenges and Way Forward
Remi D'Annunzio, FAO of the United Nations, Roma, Italy
Forest And Climate Officer
Inge Jonckheere1, Erik Lindquist1, Yelena Finegold1
1FAO of the United Nations, Roma, Italy
1FAO of the United Nations, Roma, Italy
Oral Presentation
Airbus Open Innovation Innitiative
Robin Expert, Airbus Ds Geo Intelligence, Toulouse, France
1Airbus Ds Geo Intelligence, Toulouse, France
Oral Presentation
The Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform: Sharing Data and Algorithms Across Agencies and Scientists
Alyssa Harris, Development Seed, Washington, United States
Aimee Barciauskas1, Kaylin Bugbee3, Chris Lynnes4, Manil Maskey3, Hook Hua2, Laura Jewell2, Rahul Ramachandran3, Kevin Murphy4, Marco Lavalle2
1Development Seed, Washington, United States, 2NASA's Jet Propopulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, United States, 3NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, United States, 4NASA HQ, Washington, United States
1Development Seed, Washington, United States, 2NASA's Jet Propopulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, United States, 3NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, United States, 4NASA HQ, Washington, United States
Oral Presentation
Resource Management of Image-Processing Workflows with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Luis De Juan, Capgemini, Toulouse, France
1Capgemini, Toulouse, France