Objective of the 4th S2VT Meeting
The specific objectives of this meeting are:
- To collect lessons learnt on validation procedures used to contribute to the quality assessment of the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission Level-1 and Level-2A products for both radiometry and geometry.
- To review and consolidate the cal/val methods used operationally.
- To provide a forum to report results of on-going science activities related to the validation of combined time series using Sentinel-2A and Sentinel-2B products.
- To collect suggestions for the establishment of a network of operational test sites for Level-2A (and higher) products validation.
- To provide recommendations for ad-hoc Sentinel-2 products validation campaigns (in complement to the permanent network of validation sites).
- To gather the Sentinel-2 scientific and user community and to foster cooperation and synergies among Cal/Val teams