
Links to slides and videos are provided below.

Please click here for the report of the event.

*= Remote Presentation

Wednesday, 15 February 2023

Arrival and registration

Start of event

Short interventions by representatives of the Commission, a representative user and technology partner to highlight how DestinE should serve to support European Union policy ambitions. Includes how DestinE is positioned vis-à-vis Copernicus and ESA Digital Twin Earth.


The three entities tasked to implement DestinE – ECMWF, ESA and EUMETSAT – inform stakeholders of implementation progress and plans.

11:10 Coffee break

Objective: This panel will contribute to a shared understanding on how use cases will (i) demonstrate the benefit of DestinE for users and (ii) serve to guide the development of DestinE towards meeting user needs. The panel will focus on early opportunities, i.e., DestinE phase 1, extending to phase 2.


13:15    Lunch break 
14:00Visit to Φ-Experience - for people who booked it
Panel 2: Interacting with DestinE

Objective: This panel will discuss different ways to interact with the DestinE services and related time frame for their implementation. The focus is on technological capabilities, which are either under development or envisaged to be developed within Phase 1. extending to phase 2.

  1. Miruna Stoicescu (EUMETSAT) - PDF Presentation
  2. Rochelle Schneider Dos Santos (ESA) 
  3. Nils Wedi (ECMWF) - PDF Presentation
  4. Q & A 

15:45    Coffee break 
Panel 3: Community forum

Objective: This panel focuses on developing a better understanding of the communities targeted by DestinE in Phase 1, how to engage these communities and how to work together to co-evolve DestinE capabilities moving towards Phase 2.

  1. Towards building a vibrant DestinE User Community (Efstratios Stylianidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). - PDF Presentation
  2. Destination Earth National Group - Irelands’ coordination mechanism on DestinE (Ines Alonzo, Met Éireann). 
  3. Supporting decision and policy makers - experiences from the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (Peter Salamon, European Commission, Joint Research Center). - PDF Presentation
  4. Building on communities to foster adoption of Open Science practices in the DestinE initiative (Anne Fouilloux, Simula). 
  5.  Q & A 

17:30    End of event