Workshop Motivation and Description
The upcoming Swarm Data Quality Workshop (DQW#11) is the eleventh workshop organized by ESA and the Swarm Data quality team, with the purpose to bring together Swarm multi-disciplinary scientists and instruments’ experts to collect innovative ideas for future Swarm-based activities and products, targeting new processing algorithms, correction improvements, emerging applications and multi-mission synergy.
The Swarm DQW#11 will be a hybrid meeting, hosted by the Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing (IAASARS) at the National Observatory of Athens (NOA), Greece from 11 to 15 October 2021. Considering the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic situation we are also allowing for virtual attendance to the meeting, and we will be monitoring the Covid-19 situation closely with a backup plan to have a fully virtual meeting if the situation does not allow for travel in October.
The technical sessions will cover Swarm data quality status and algorithm improvements for the magnetometer, plasma, electric field, GPS receiver, and accelerometer data products. The Swarm DQW11 will also offer the opportunity to further discuss with the Swarm community on key technical challenges and science topics related to internal/external field variations and applications in the areas of Near-Earth Space Sciences and Space Weather. The key objectives of the workshop are to compile recommendations for reshaping the Swarm data product portfolio and to identify new services, which potentially benefit from a synergy with other satellite missions. The workshop is also instrumental in demonstrating the growing importance of Swarm-based virtual research environment used in support of innovating data processing approaches as well as in collecting inputs for the optimization of the orbital constellation.