There is an undeniable urgency to act on climate change and to effectively respond to the unprecedented ‘triple crisis’ of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. This requires a quantum leap in the way we observe, understand and predict the dynamic evolution of the Earth system and its complex interactions with human activities and ecosystems. Digital Twins have recently emerged as potential solutions to address these needs.
The European Commission (DG CONNECT) launched “Destination Earth” (DestinE) as a flagship initiative of the European Commission to develop a highly accurate digital model of the Earth (a digital twin of the Earth) to monitor and simulate natural phenomena, hazards and the related human activities. In addition, several other Digital Twin initiatives have been launched at international, European and national levels.
The ESA Digital Twin Earth (ESA DTE) programme aims at contributing to this process, with a major focus on ensuring that the latest EO satellite capabilities may play a major role in the design and implementation of future operational Digital Twin ecosystems including the future evolution of DestinE and other operational DT initiatives in Member States (MSs).
This event is a networking opportunity and an invitation to scientists, research institutions, policymakers, innovators, industry, ESA DTE activities, European and national DT initiatives and projects to share their experience and contribute to shape the future evolution of the use of EO in the context of Digital Twins in Europe.
The overall objectives for this workshop are to:
Final Programme
Please find below the Agenda of the event
Session | Monday 3rd February |
Session 1.0 14:00 – 15:20 | Plenary: High-level status overview 1. Introduction: Opening words – Diego Fernandez Prieto (ESA) (10 mins) 2. DestinE and The DestinE Platform – Ines Sanz Morere (ESA) (15 mins) 3. The Digital Twin Engine – Thomas Geenen (ECMWF) (15 mins) 4. The Data Lake – Michael Schick (EUMETSAT) (15 mins) 5. The ESA Digital Twin Earth Programme – Franka Kunz (ESA) (15 mins) 6. The ESA Digital Twin Earth Components Overview – Martin Wearing (ESA) (10 mins) |
– 15:45 Coffee
break | |
Session 1.1 15:45 – 17:30 Chair: Martin Wearing (ESA) | ESA DTCs Lead Development Actions: 7 x (12 min Presentation + 3 min Q&A) 1. Forest Digital Twin Component – Matti Mõttus (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland) 2. A first view of an EO-driven digital twin for ice sheets – Sebastian Simonsen (Technical University of Denmark) 3. Digital Twin Earth: Coastal Processes and Extremes – Daniel Morton (Argans) 4. Earth Observation based Digital Twin for Resilient Agriculture under Multiple Stressors: EOAgriTwin – Gohar Ghazaryan (Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research) 5. Advancing Agricultural Insights through the SaveCrops4EU Digital Twin Component, an Introduction – Sander Marcel Maria Rouwette (Thales Alenia Space Luxembourg – LU) 6. Hydr’Avatar, toward a digital twin of hydrological systems using multi-complexity modelling and advanced EO datasets – Adrien Paris (Hydro Matters) 7. Digital Twin Earth Hydrology Next: end-to-end reconstruction of the terrestrial water cycle at high resolution – Luca Brocca (Research Institute for Geo-Hydrological Protection, National Research Council, Italy) |
– 19:00 Icebreaker
and Posters |
Session | Tuesday
4th February |
Session 2.1 9:30 – 11:00 Chair: Martin Wearing (ESA) | ESA DTCs Early Development Actions: 6 x (12 min Presentation + 3 min Q&A) 1. Introduction to the Early Digital Twin Component EO4ER ("Earth Observation for Energy Risks") – Ingo Schoolmann (Ohb Digital Services Gmbh) 2. A digital twin of Svalbard’s cryosphere (SvalbardDT) – William Harcourt (University Of Aberdeen) 3. A Digital Twin Component for Glaciers – Fabien Maussion (University of Bristol) 4. AIR4health: Leveraging Earth Observation for Compound Climate and Air Quality Extremes Early Warning – Ana Oliveira (CoLAB +Atlantic) 5. Geohazard DTC: the GET-IT project – Salvatore Stramondo (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica E Vulcanologia) 6. A DTC Urban: Smart Urban Resilience Enhancement (SURE) – Manuela Ferri (e-GEOS) |
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break | |
Session 2.2 11:30 – 13:00 Chair: Franka Kunz (ESA) | DT initiatives and projects Presentations: 6 x (12 min presentation + 3 min Q&A)
1. A digital twin for geophysical extremes: interim results from the DT-GEO project – Arnau Folch (Geociencias Barcelona, (GEO3BCN-CSIC), Spain) 2. Biodiversity Digital Twins for Advanced Modelling, Simulation and Prediction Capabilities – Gabriela Zuquim (Csc - It Center For Science) 3. Environmental digital twins in the interTwin project – Andrea Manzi (Egi Foundation) 4. EDITO: A Collaborative Platform for Sustainable Ocean Management and Innovation – Marina Tonani (Mercator-Ocean International) 5. Deploying FAIR and AI-Ready Agrobiodiversity Data in the Destination Earth Data Lake – Claus Weiland (Senckenberg – Leibniz Institution For Biodiversity And Earth System Research) 6. The HydroLand Application within the Destination Earth Initiative – Aparna Chandrasekar (Helmholtz Center For Environmental Research) |
Session 2.2 13:00 – 13:30 | Round Table discussion (30 mins) |
13:30 - 14:30 Lunch | |
Session 2.4 14:30 - 16:00 Chair: Edward Malina (ESA) | DT initiatives, science and technology (part 1) Presentations: 6 x (12 min presentation + 3 min Q&A)
1. A federated digital twin architecture that bridges earth observation and in-situ communities to combine datasets in near real-time – Thomas Mansfield (Plymouth Marine Laboratory) 2. Empowering thematic and high resolution digital twins with the Digital Twin Factory – Pierre-Marie Brunet (CNES) 3. A Modular Framework for Digital Twin Earth System Model Development with WebAssembly – Charles Smeltzer (George Washington University) 4. Super-Resolution Modeling for Enhanced Surface Climate Representation in Polar Digital Twins – Stef Lhermitte (KU Leuven) 5. Correction of NWP ocean forcing biases with machine learning and scatterometer data – Evgeniia Makarova (Barcelona Expert Centre (BEC), Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC)) 6. Iliad digital twins of the ocean: Thematic and local twins in Europe, Africa and The Middle-East – Bente Lilja Bye (BLB) |
16:00 - 16:15 Coffe break | |
Session 2.5 16:15 – 17:30 Chair: Claudia Vitolo (ESA) | DT initiatives, science and technology (part 2) Presentations: 5 x (12 min presentation + 3 min Q&A)
1. Towards Multi-Scale Agent-Based Models Informed by Earth Observations for Digital Twins – David Wagg (University of Sheffield) 2. IDEATION: A Roadmap for a Digital Twin for Inland Waters – Eloisa Vargiu (Cetaqua) 3. SCOast-DT: Creation and Deployment of Space-based Digital Twins of Coastal Zones – Vincent Lonjou (CNES) 4. Towards an Open Soil-Plant Digital Twin Based on STEMMUS-SCOPE model Following Open Science – Yijian Zeng (ITC Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, Universiteit Twente) 5. AI Foundation Model for Earth Observation PhilEO: Applications and Evaluation Framework – Nikolaos Dionelis (European Space Agency (ESA)) |
17:30 – 19:00 Icebreaker and Posters |
Session | Wednesday
5th February |
– 10:30 | Insights to the DestinE Platform
1) Overview of the DestinE Platforms features and services a) Existing services b) Hands-on demonstration for users (registration, upgraded access, cost models, on-boarding procedure) 2) DTE Framework demonstration 3) DTE Collaborative environment 4) Practical demonstration of use case on-boarding – CityNexus Q&A |
10:15 – 10:30 Coffee break | |
– 11:00 | Final
Discussion and Wrap-up |
11:00 | Open
Meeting Ends |
“ESA Digital Earth Components: Open Science
Meeting is in-person only. The meeting will begin at midday on Monday 3rd
Registration is closed.
Bus Schedule
3 February | Timetable |
Evening only | |
Departure from ESRIN to Piazza Marconi (Frascati) | 19:00 |
4 February | |
Morning | |
Departure from Piazza Marconi (Frascati) to ESRIN | 09:00 |
Evening | |
Departure from ESA ESRIN to Piazza Marconi (Frascati) | 19:00 |
5 February | |
Morning only | |
Departure from Piazza Marconi (Frascati) to ESRIN | 08:30 |
Abstract Submission
Abstract submission is closed.
Note: Abstract length should be at least 150 words and maximum 250 words (one A4 page, single space normally contains 400-500 words).
Information about the co-authors (name, last name, affiliation, contact Email) and the presenter is required.
Largo Galileo Galilei, 1
00044 Frascati (RM),
During the Workshop, a free shuttle bus service will be offered from Frascati to ESA-ESRIN and from ESA-ESRIN to Frascati centre.
The pick-up and drop-off point will be at Piazza Guglielmo Marconi.
The timetable is now online.
Please find below a list of suggested hotels in the centre of Frascati. Rooms can be booked upon availability by contacting the hotels directly:
Hotel Name | Contact email | Phone number | Walking distance from Frascati P.zza Marconi |
Hotel Bellavista Frascati | +39 06 5416304 | 2 minutes | |
Hotel Cacciani | | +39 06 942 03 78 | 3 minutes |
Hotel Flora | +39 06 9416110 | 4 minutes | |
Hotel Colonna | +39 06 9401 8088 | 4 minutes | |
Hotel Villa Mercede | +39 06 9929 1979 | 15 minutes (we suggest to request the shuttle service at the Hotel Reception or to book a taxi) | |
Grand Hotel Villa Tuscolana | +39 06 942 900 | 23 minutes (we suggest to book a taxi) | |
Park Hotel Villa Grazioli | +39 06 945400 | 26 minutes (we suggest to book a taxi) | |
Domus Park Hotel | +39 06 200 0100 | 29 minutes (we suggest to book a taxi) |