Session Chair
Thomas Haeusler
Martin Herold
Wageningen University/GOFC-GFOI
Friday, May 17, 2019 |
10:40 - 12:20 |
Brown 3 - Floor 2 |
10:40 - 10:55
Oral Presentation
GFOI and Satellite Data to Support Countries in REDD+ Monitoring and Reporting
Frank Martin Seifert, ESA, Frascati, Italy
Sarah Carter1, Martin Herold1, Andres B Espejo2, Carly Green3, Tom Harvey3, Inge Jonckheere4, Joanne Nightingale5, Ake Rosenqvist6, María J Sanz7, Helmut Staudenrausch9, Sylvia Wilson10
1Wageningen University, Wageningen, Netherlands, 2World Bank, Washington, USA, 3Global Forest Observations Initiative, Rome, Italy, 4FAO, Rome, Italy, 5National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK, 6soloEO, Tokyo, Japan, 7Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), Bilbao, Spain, 8ESA, Frascati, Italy, 9DLR, Bonn-Oberkassel, Germany, 10USGS, Reston, USA
1Wageningen University, Wageningen, Netherlands, 2World Bank, Washington, USA, 3Global Forest Observations Initiative, Rome, Italy, 4FAO, Rome, Italy, 5National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK, 6soloEO, Tokyo, Japan, 7Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), Bilbao, Spain, 8ESA, Frascati, Italy, 9DLR, Bonn-Oberkassel, Germany, 10USGS, Reston, USA
10:55 - 11:10
Oral Presentation
Biomass mapping for climate change mitigation actions: evolving needs, new IPCC guidance, and upcoming projects and space-based missions
Martin Herold, Wageningen University/GOFC-GFOI, Wageningen, Netherlands
Sarah Carter1, Valerio Avitabile2, Andres Espejo3, Inge Jonckheere4, María José Sanz-Sanchez5, Richard Lucas 6, Ronald McRoberts7, Erik Næsset8, Frank-Martin Seifert9
1Wageningen University/GOFC-GFOI, Wageningen, Netherlands, 2Joint Research Center of the EC (JRC), Ispra, Italy, 3Worldbank FCPF, Washington DC, USA, 4FAO / UN-REDD, Rome, Italy, 5BC3 research, Bilbao, Spain, 6Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, UK, 7United States Forest Service, USA, 8Norwegian University of Life Science, As, Norway, 9ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy
1Wageningen University/GOFC-GFOI, Wageningen, Netherlands, 2Joint Research Center of the EC (JRC), Ispra, Italy, 3Worldbank FCPF, Washington DC, USA, 4FAO / UN-REDD, Rome, Italy, 5BC3 research, Bilbao, Spain, 6Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, UK, 7United States Forest Service, USA, 8Norwegian University of Life Science, As, Norway, 9ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy
11:10 - 11:25
Oral Presentation
New estimates of carbon losses from disturbances in tropical evergreen forests derived from the full Landsat archive
Frederic Achard, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italia
Christelle Vancutsem1, Valerio Avitabile1, Andreas Langner1
1Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italia
1Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italia
11:25 - 11:40
Oral Presentation
Impacts of the forest definitions adopted by African countries on carbon conservation in the frame of the REDD+ mechanism
Stéphane Mermoz, GlobEO, Toulouse, France
Alexandre Bouvet2, Thuy Le Toan2, Martin Herold3
1GlobEO, Toulouse, France, 2CESBIO, Toulouse, France, 3Center for Geoinformation, Wageningen University, Wageningen , The Netherlands
1GlobEO, Toulouse, France, 2CESBIO, Toulouse, France, 3Center for Geoinformation, Wageningen University, Wageningen , The Netherlands
11:40 - 11:55
Oral Presentation
Comparison of GREG versus Stratified estimator for reporting forest activity data for REDD+
Christophe Sannier, Sirs, Villeneuve Dascq, France
1Sirs, Villeneuve Dascq, France
11:55 - 12:10
Oral Presentation
System for earth observations, data access, processing & analysis for land monitoring (SEPAL) of FAO and the support to countries in the context of REDD+ and the Paris agreement
Inge Jonckheere, FAO of the UN, Rome, Italy
Forest And Climate Officer
Jan Verbesselt2
1FAO of the UN, Rome, Italy, 2WUR, Wageningen , the Netherlands
1FAO of the UN, Rome, Italy, 2WUR, Wageningen , the Netherlands