Lisa Wörner
Director of Institute for Satellite Geodesy and Inertial Sensing
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Lisa Wörner worked in the past on various different topics ranging from high energy physics to cold plasmas before she found her interest in quantum mechanics. She then worked on different systems in high mass interferometry, frequency references, and cold atom physics. Before taking over the acting directorship at the DLR institute for quantum technologies in Ulm, she led the BECCAL project, which is scheduled to launch to the ISS in 2027. Currently she is employed at the DLR institute for satellite geodesy and inertial sensing, where she tries to apply quantum technologies to applications in earth observation and exploration. Those also contribute to the #GreenQuantum, which describes the application of quantum technologies in the climate change crisis.
Quantum Sensors for Science Exploration
In this presentation I will give an overview over the applications of quantum sensors for deployment in science exploration. The presentation will be based on the insights gained during the ESA workshop on quantum sensors for science exploration held in May 2023 at ESTEC. It will include a summary of use-cases in exploration, such as solar observation, planetary exploration, space weather monitoring, navigation, and deep-space survey. I will the present relevant quantum sensors, current state of the art, and potential gain of quantum sensors over classical systems. The latter shall motivate the developments that are necessary.
At the workshop we agreed to write a paper and I will give an overview over the current status of that paper