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'FIRst Destination Earth User eXchange'
The DestinE User Exchange is intended to become a regular series of events to establish a forum for DestinE stakeholders to:
- Learn about progress of the DestinE initiative
- Articulate user needs and interest in contributing and engaging
- Exchange on related developments.
The DestinE User eXchange addresses users from the science and development communities and public policy realms as well as stakeholders in the development of the initiative.
The event is organized as a full-day meeting in Frascati, Italy. It will be streamed live and provide an opportunity to ask question.
Why you should come
- To learn about the European DestinE initiative and progress of its realization
- To engage with the development of the DestinE System
- To provide input on needs, requirements, use cases and related capabilities and development
For further information please consult the relevant web pages at:
Digital Strategy: Destination Earth